Selling through engagement

Calling a ‘sales presentation’ as a ‘pitch’ is slightly misleading. A sales PPT differs from a pitch because its purpose is to narrate the product/service’s ongoing story.

A sales presentation briefly discusses the service or product impressions, company reputation and customer loyalty. It looks at parameters that affect cash inflow. A sales presentation is usually presented by someone from the sales team.

A sales PPT, therefore acts as a medium to present sales figures, talk about prospects, address sales or revenue related concerns and demonstrate the product/service’s potential in revenue generation.

Although you must get a sales presentation designed from a reputed sales presentation design agency, there are a few things that must be ever-present in your sales PPT. Let’s look at some sales PPT essentials below.

PPT audience

When presenting a sales presentation, remember the 80/20 rule. 20% of the presentation should be dedicated to the product and 80% dedicated to the audience.

Give the audience time to get used to the sales PPT. Let them examine the challenges faced by the consumer and empathize. Make sure the sales PPT content is adjusted in style to the audience’s needs.

The objective isn’t to sell, but to sell a solution. The cover slide must describe the ‘title’ and the ‘objective’ instantly. You can make use of visuals to make the cover slide alluring.

Hiring a top PPT design agency to create vibrant and engaging PowerPoint sales presentations will get the addition of high-quality images sorted.

Present the journey of a sale like a story. Chances are that the audience may find it likable and this also humanizes the sales PPT.

Tell the audience what motivates the team to wake up every day and convert leads. Interlace the PPT with quotes or tips that might engage the audience.

Product promise

If the sales PPT is about selling a product or service, then its USP must be highlighted. Summarize the value of the product promise. If you have doubts about the product, investors are able to sense this between the lines.

Therefore, present the facts about the product with confidence. Gather as much information about the company, product, and industry. Mention the problems that can be solved for the consumer.

Make sure you add consumer testimonials based on consumer surveys or early promotion. Using real client photographs add credibility.

Add expert findings, some research data, and quotes. Bind it to the benefits of the product. Show competitor comparisons through a well-designed graph.

Provide a money-back guarantee or free shipment of the product. This will add a positive impression. This illustrates that your prospective buyer is already a paying customer.

Design collateral

When you hire a sales PPT design agency, they ensure your content is presented through attention-grabbing visuals. You have to be thoroughly familiar with the slides, the images that are added, the presence of animations, etc.

A PPT design expert will keep the slides clean, professional, uncluttered. The template set by the presentation design agency should complement your sales-related content.

The usage of graphs, charts, and animation should only elevate the presentation and not distract the audience.

Real success stories

Storytelling is a great strategy to keep the audience engaged. A story can tap into the audience’s emotions. Information is retained and the impressions remain positive.

When trying to sell something through a sales PPT, share real customer stories. Make sure the plots are relatable to the audience. Tell the audience about how the product brought about a positive impact to their lives.


Ensure the presentation closes with a call-to-action. Does your audience need to answer a questionnaire? Are you asking them to visit a website for more information? Do they need to call you? Is a free trial being offered?

Construct a call-to-action that is easily understandable. Include sensory words to the call-to-action.