Pitching the right way

If you’re a corporation, a start-up or a professional looking for capital aid, an engaging investor pitch deck might be just what you need.

You can hire a top investor pitch deck design agency to come up with a vibrant and engaging presentation. But, bear in mind if you keep making errors like the ones we have mentioned below, the pitch deck will fail.

Investors look at several pitch deck presentations during the day. To stand out in concept and presentation, the PPT needs to offer something different. Let’s dive straight in to look at things you need to avoid in a pitch deck presentation.

Excessive, irrelevant information

Once you show your market potential through a cool PPT introduction, there is no need to repeat the same information. Doing so, makes your solution look like an irksome piece of information.

How to check for repetitive information? Check the investor pitch deck slides for the repetition of product USP or key benefits.

Irrelevant information can turn your investor pitch decks into a snooze fest. The investors are not interested in a funny joke or some out-of-context quote. So, before handing over the pitch deck’s content to a PPT design company, discard the unwanted information.

Financial data, that combines too many numbers or figures must be omitted. Keep the important ones, grouped as bullet points. Use charts and graphs to better illustrate them. This can be fixed by a reputed pitch deck design expert.
You can place the extra financial material within the Appendix if needed.

Incorrect numbers or figures

Fooling investors won’t get you anywhere. Individuals who are potentially interested in funding your idea won’t get swayed by your inflated numbers.

Most investors employ a team of experts who have already done a background check on your potential numbers. That is why play it safe and keep it real.

Investors love honest and frank representations. Adding industrial jargon might look clumsy. Keep it tight and to-the-point.

Slides within the limit

Remember that your pitch deck slides cost you. It involves the cost you spend when hiring a professional PPT design agency. The slide will also cost you the investor’s precious time.

Use the pitch deck slides qualitatively. It’s supposed to be an investor presentation and not an investor meeting. Lengthy breaks during the presentation will kill spontaneity. Investors want to see methods, planning, and the correct approach when gauging your offering.

Unwanted details

There is no need to add every single piece of development about the product or service. This will only add to the length of your pitch presentation.

Enhance the bigger picture of your offering without adding too many details. This also goes for long statements or words that look impressive only in newspapers. Capture attention with headlines. Use short yet effective bullet points.

Images of value

Visuals impact harder than plain words. That doesn’t mean that the visuals need to be superfluous. Irrelevant images will only create confusion.

Let the images add zeal and freshness to the pitch deck. Provide a concise brief to the PPT design agency. A good pitch deck PPT design agency will maintain company branding and make the pitch deck unique.