Making a company resume memorable

Company profile presentations introduce the company. They present a company’s mission, roadmap, hierarchy, goals, and success stories.

If a business presentation is an art, then, a PPT is the canvas. Creating the content for a company profile presentation is hard enough, designing an engaging presentation around it is another challenge.

This is why hiring a professional company profile presentation design agency would be a good idea. A company profile presentation caters to a specific audience. Investors, decision-makers and other top-level management will be in the audience and they need to be impressed!

Creating an engaging and effective presentation for them is something that only a top PPT designer can really do. Let’s look at some interesting pointers that company profile PPT designers keep in mind.


Company profile presentation

A company profile presentation is like a company’s resume. It outlines the company’s goals, achievements, and potential.

All possible company information is mentioned in the presentation. This information is important for customers and clients. A company profile presentation is written with prospects in mind.


Company profile PPT pointers

Nailing a good company profile presentation is tough, but not impossible. The selling point needs to be addressed with honesty.

The problems that hamper company operations must be addressed. The solutions to these problems need to be highlighted as well.

These solutions can be presented in a step-by-step manner, smeared with testimonials, stories, and possible queries. A top PPT designer will use visual elements to explain the problems and solutions.

PPT design agencies make use of colour psychology to produce the right look for the presentation. This psychology can be visible from the first slide – the title.

The first slide must introduce the bigger picture. Avoid mentioning too many details with regards to this big picture. Break down the company’s goals into individual slides, weaving them into a story.

Unlike a sales PPT, fundraising PPT or an analyst presentation, a company profile PPT needs to follow a chronology. This standard format is comprehensive and has stood the test of time. The audience is already expecting it to be in a designated format.

The products and services slides can be illustrated to highlight its USP. A pain point addressed thanks to the mentioned product or service can build authority. Introduce the products from the audience’s perspective.

The team is up next. A PPT design agency can embed a video within the PPT. This video can cover each team member talking about their experiences. Introducing the team this way can help keep the presentation light.

Each team member is part of the company vision. Speak about their traits and strengths. Link it to how they fit into the big picture at the company.

Keep track of the presentation slide length. A reputed PPT designer will add magic to the presentation, but it should not come at the price of the PPT slide length.

Company branding should be highlighted. This will be taken care of by the PPT design expert who will be working on the presentation. Finalizing the right template is key. The company’s brand colours must be visible.

Don’t forget a strong CTA. The call-to-action must be specific and must be stated very clearly. Work with the design agency to see how best the CTA be highlighted.

By the time the audience gets to the final slide and the CTA, they must be convinced and have confidence that the company will meet its targets.