Every startup started with a pitch deck

Have you watched ‘Shark Tank’? It’s a show where budding entrepreneurs present an idea or product, to willing investors, in order to acquire funding. Contestants pitch their idea verbally hoping to acquire some form of investment.

Nothing impresses an investor more than a really engaging pitch deck. A pitch deck can tell your entrepreneurial story. A pitch deck represents your product roadmap, product benefits, and sales figures, all through a visually appealing investor pitch deck.

Sometimes a product becomes less pivotal compared to a startup pitch deck. The pitch deck needs your special attention, when being designed. That’s the reason your investor startup pitch deck needs to be designed by a professional pitch deck PPT design agency.

The future of your product hinges on these slides. They need to make an impact or else your startup-dream will remain a dream.

Here are 7 essential To-Dos that should to be part of your pitch deck presentation. Bear in mind, only a professional PPT designing agency can make your PPTs look visually engaging and communicate your idea in a better way.

  1. Highlight your product promise

Investors aren’t stupid. They are intellectuals and can sense if a product will make it big or bite the dust. Simply presenting a pitch deck that looks good only on slides instead of value-producing will fail.

Their ability to envisage your product’s future cannot be underestimated. Your pitch deck, although designed by a top presentation design company, needs to provide some substance for an investor to find it fruitful to invest their money in your company.

Investors attend multiple pitch deck presentations in a day. Ideas look great on paper or PPTs, but they must have proven test results to give a clear indication of its promise.

These tests could be metrics for revenue, engagement, growth or retention.

  1. Mention your product’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Your investor pitch presentation should indicate its core KPIs . Your product’s core KPI is a benchmark for your product’s progress.

KPIs are excellent revenue levers. Even if you are not focused on revenue (which isn’t ideal), a well-thought-out KPI is important for investors.

Allow your investors to see your key target assumptions. Your financial forecast needs to be detailed. Make sure your pitch PPT includes revenue projections for the next 5 years. This also includes the investor’s ROI, company gross margins and likely exit strategy.

  1. Define your target audience

Define your target audience when planning the deck content. Your startup’s target audience cannot be as vague as ‘everyone’ or ‘everywhere’. You must know;

  • Will the audience benefit from your software/product?
  • What will be the size of the audience?
  • Can you scale your product within this audience, or not?
  • What price can you set for the audience?

The answers to all these questions must be detailed on your startup pitch deck.

  1. Include your sales funnel

A strong understanding of your sales funnel is obvious. That same understanding needs to be passed on through your pitch presentation.

A robust sales funnel aids in better modeling your financial projections. It also estimates the timing of your sale. There are bound to be discussions over this as you present your pitch deck. Show investors how you will increase conversion during times of business recession.

  1. Add your team’s slides

Investors will invest their money in your startup only if your idea is executable. This, you need to prove by convincing them of your vision.

A statistic by TechCrunch states that investors on average look at team slide for close to 23 seconds. This is only slightly surpassed by financial slides.

Also, make them believe in your team. Your team needs to be experienced enough to handle sections of your presentation.

A team member with sound knowledge of your product journey and user flow must handle product sections within your pitch presentation.

Questions that every investor asks when viewing your presentation are:

  • “Why is this the right time to launch your product?”
  • “Is this the right time due to a change in the market landscape?”
  • “Is this the right time because of a shift in sentiment or because this is the right time to innovate?”

The answer(s) to these have to be precise, concise and satisfying.

  1. Mention customer acquisition costs

Investors will enquire about customer acquisition costs. The cost of gaining a customer, cost of paid marketing, cost of setting up an office, etc. needs to be addressed clearly.

Investors are interested in knowing if your business is scalable or not.

  1. Try to craft a story

A serious, bland, cluttered, to-the-point fact-based pitch won’t hold the  investor’s attention for long. While undergoing pitch deck research, make sure you research the investor(s) as well.

Try crafting a story, and direct it towards something the investor can relate to. The story could be based on product ideation or through personalized experiences.

Telling an engaging story can sometimes be hard to conjure. This is why hiring a pitch deck presentation design agency makes sense and eases the hardship.

Utilizing the expertise of one of India’s best PPT design agencies will bring your PPT to life through visual assets, animation and videos.