Treating the audience as a friend

Your presentation audience can make or break it for you. If you don’t offer anything refreshing, nobody will be stirred to react to your ‘call for action’. If your audience isn’t catered to, your presentation will be pointless.

Rapport increases likeability among your audience. You start as a typical PPT presenter but should endeavor to end up as a trusted friend. What is the most common thing we do for friends? We listen.


Presentation ideas without understanding the audience are bad. Are you presenting to the wall behind? Is the presentation designed for self-appreciation?  No, of course not!

By keeping the audience in mind, you can connect them to your presentation content. This also builds engagement.

“All things being equal, people will do business with a friend; All things being unequal, people will still do business with a friend.”

Mack McCormack (IMG)

If you consider your audience as friends, you are bound to receive engagement. Try to craft engaging content, as if writing for a friend. We’ve put together 3 ways through which an audience becomes a part of the presentation idea.


Tell a real story

Stories are a powerful way to draw an audience. Stories also keep your content engaging. Build rapport through it. Build confidence with it. And, also make your presentation unique to it.

When you ask a ppt presentation design agency to create magic, your story gets a fillip. Include stories that feature your pain, struggles, and triumph.

Tell the audience about your journey. Allow them to peek into your personality. The story makes your presentation human. This also makes the presentation more likable.

In case, your presentation talks about selling a product, make it more about telling a story than selling. This tells the audience that you are human who will make mistakes and learn (just like them).


Show real photographs

Tell a funny, embarrassing team-member story. Support it through real photographs of your team. Ask the presentation design company to make the photographs appear periodically through animation.

The impact of real photographs is massive. It gives the audience insight into your world. It also tells them that you don’t take yourself too seriously when it comes to having fun.

Authentic photographs create empathy. It makes the audience exclaim their “awws” and “oohs”. Don’t add generic photographs from the internet. Your audience will see through this.


Stay relaxed

Your body language communicates a lot. Try not to make the audience nervy. Staying relaxed helps build a rapport.

Try not to fold your arms or slant your body. Everything you want to convey is in the presentation. Your power point presentation ideas need to create a connection.

Build a friendly rapport with the audience by staying calm. You will be surprised to find an increase in audience engagement.

Your audience might consist of a variety of people. They have an innate desire to relate. Be likable, present with confidence, let your presentation build a bridge.