Making byte-sized presentations

We live in a mobile-dependent world. We shop online, scavenge information, and order food – by simply tapping into a few apps on our mobile phone.

If almost everything we do involves mobile phones, how could your PowerPoint presentation be left out? Your audience would love the presentation to be available on their mobile devices.

You cannot dump the same projected presentation on to your audience’s devices. For them to experience effective storytelling, your presentation needs to be adjusted to fit on their mobile device.

Mobile optimization is relatable to PowerPoint presentations as well. When getting your presentation designed by a design agency, also get the mobile-friendly version of the  presentation done.

Implement the following steps when creating a mobile-friendly presentation.

Smaller font size works fine on a larger display. On a mobile device, small fonts are hard to read. Increase font size for mobile display. By increasing the font size, your audience can read the PowerPoint presentation’s content on-the-go.

Export the presentation as a PDF. Viewing the PPT presentation on a mobile device gets clunky. Its harder to navigate through the presentation. When you export it as a PDF, your audience can open the file faster and navigate easily.

Make the charts on the presentation easy to read. They are probably the most complex of visual elements added by a presentation design agency. Make your presentation mobile-friendly by adding easy-to-read charts. The information also gets easier to digest.

Adding visuals to your presentation increases engagement with the reader. Texts can be hard to read, especially for in-depth content. Replace chunks of text with a visual representation. This also increases the retention rate among the audience.

Design the presentation making sure it has a mobile-friendly resolution. Each device is different. Select the highest resolution for a mobile device. The presentation will definitely look great.

Always ensure your presentation has a mobile version designed as well. Hiring a presentation design agency allows you to get both versions.

Ensure that the content and presentation narrative aren’t affected in the mobile version. Work closely with your PPT agency to ensure the storyline and structure are maintained in both versions.

The visuals added to the presentation must elevate the quality of the presentation. From your PPT introduction to the ‘Thank you’ slide, brand consistency and relevance to the subject matter must be maintained.

Request the presentation design agency to provide the fonts separately. A compressed presentation loads faster on a mobile device.

Impress the audience by showing them how considerate you are towards their convenience. This builds strong rapport and trust.