Slides that spring to life

PPT animation is best left to the experts. This is because there’s a fear of overdoing it. Animations can make or break a presentation. That is why asking a professional presentation design agency to work on company presentations is a really wise approach.


PowerPoint animation

There are two main reasons why a top PPT designer will adopt animation in your PowerPoint presentation


One is to enhance the appearance, and the other to control the pace of presentation delivery. Animations increase the appearance of PPT slides. This is done primarily by transitioning either an entire slide or some elements on it.


Aesthetics can elevate a presentation. The audience’s loss of attention due to amateurish animation would be a terrible. PPT professionals understand what type of animations to use, when to use them and when not to. 


Top PowerPoint presentation design experts enhance the quality of company PPTs by either adding animations or transitions. 


Transitions are provided between slides. One can view the transitions that are in effect through the transitions pane. 


Animations are effects added to elements within a slide. They are action-based effects. They can be controlled through the animations pane. Let’s look at a few key pointers that a top PPT design agency will adopt to make a company profile PPT, sales PPT, fundraising PPT or analyst presentation standout. 


PowerPoint animation tips

When adding animations to a PowerPoint presentation, designers keep the 80-20 rule in mind. 20% of animation can lead to 80% of engagement for the PPT. 


Exciting, moderate, and subtle animation strengths offer change in their respective context. PPT designers know when to add transitions or animations. It depends on the context of the slide of course. 


Ideally, the same animations are used throughout a presentation. Adding multiple different transitional animations just for variety makes no sense. Too much variety can distract the viewer.


Common animations used are Zoom (which adds emphasis on an element), Fade (fades the element) & Appear (suddenly makes the element appear).


If for example, a slide contains a list, making them ‘appear’ as a bullet list draws attention to the list. Revealing one step at a time, using animations makes it look contextual. 


Try the same with a chart. Instead of just showing the performance of a company of multiple years, a chart can make it look better. 


Another cool animation tweak employed by PPT designers is branded fonts. These are added by a PPT design agency to make the typeface standout. 


Exit animations are added to slides when there is a need to clean it up. In case the subsequent slide is a simple text-based slide, adding an exit animation to a preceding slide can maintain the attention levels of the audience.


Exit animations also aid in removing individual elements on the slide. Morph is an interesting transition that compares elements between two slides and finds a way to transition them together. 


When a company hires a professional PowerPoint presentation design agency, all of the above pointers are taken care of. A top PPT design agency will provide the best of animations and transitions to give the PPT a life of its own.