Pitch decks to get inspired from

A pitch deck is a PPT presentation that gives a brief overview of your business. A pitch deck presentation is presented either during online meetings or during face-to-face interactions.

Your pitch deck’s audience consists of partners, customers, co-founders or potential investors. This makes a pitch deck a critical piece of business documentation.

The only way you can get a great pitch deck PPT is by hiring professional PowerPoint presentation designers who can create magic with it.

Let’s quickly dive in to look at what are some best practices to have in a pitch deck. Also, we take a look at 7 popular pitch decks and take away a key lesson to learn.


Pitch deck essentials

There are a several essentials that need to be present in a successful pitch deck. A top PPT design agency will know what works best for a relevant audience.

Despite this, it is good to include the following 6 pitch deck essentials for maximum impact.


A pitch deck must tell a story. The attention span of investors is less. A pitch deck woven around an engaging story will do well. Tell your suggestions to the pitch deck design agency, and they will take it from there.


Each slide must ooze an idea. The idea can be a solution to an existing consumer problem. The idea could be a unique product or a sure way of generating ROI.


The first 2-3 minutes of your pitch deck presentation can make or break your PPT. Make this window count. Pitch deck experts can help you with that.


Ensure you share pictures of your dedicated team. They are the backbone of any company, and showing images of your hardworking team will make the PPT more personal. Share personnel milestones, achievements, and rewards.


This is something that only the hired PPT agency can deliver. They will provide your team with suitable templates that will cover the pitch deck style, colour, animation, layout, and icons.


The numbers related to funding, investment, and sales must all be mentioned clearly. The pitch deck design company can probably come up with engaging animations or transitions to highlight these numbers.


Pitch deck examples

The following pitch deck examples are not ranked in any order. They are solely being shared to view, learn, and adapt into your respective pitch decks. All slides are taken from Slideshare.

Pitch deck examples

The following pitch deck examples are not ranked in any order. They are solely being shared to view, learn, and adapt into your respective pitch decks. All slides are taken from Slideshare.


Although not the same pitch deck used by Mark Zuckerberg, this media kit does contain Facebook’s marketing services, business metrics and value proposition that were used back then.

Peter Thiel was the first billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist to invest in Facebook, back in 2004.

The key lesson to take from this pitch deck is point no. 6 from above. This pitch deck is based on solid business numbers such as growth metrics, user base, website traffic, user engagement.



Canvas as a business is into the replacement of paper-based processes. They replace them with easy-to-use mobile forms and applications.

The key takeaway from its pitch deck is the expression of ideas to show how their product can solve problems.



Buffer is a social media scheduling platform that helps users to schedule content over Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

The pitch deck example is the actual one that raised close to half a million dollars. The pitch deck acts as an excellent example to start-ups who want to raise funding.

The pitch deck, like Facebook’s, relies on the power of numbers such as annual revenue and user base.



Adpushup is a product that allows companies to maximize their ad revenues. They do this by providing advanced A/B testing solutions.

They have raised more than 6 million dollars in investments. Their pitch deck sticks to the basics.

A good pitch deck introduction is followed by consumer solutions, product offerings, milestones, tractions, and case studies.



Airbnb allows users to list their properties for rented lodging. Considered a fantastic startup success story, Airbnb’s pitch deck is also a reference for entrepreneurs around the globe.

The pitch deck’s intro is all about hooking the right audience. The business needs a proper introduction. If the PPT introduction fails to break the ice, it’s time to rethink it.



Starting as an SEO company, Moz has now grown to support marketers with inbound strategies.

This series-B deck of Moz helped them raise approximately $18 million. The pitch deck comes packed with information about Moz’s journey.

The key takeaway here is the time that Moz had when presenting the revenue run rate or cost of paid acquisition. Moz was able to present these values due to their active operation period of 5 years and counting.



Buzzfeed has already managed to raise more than $240 million. Their pitch deck starts with big numbers.

The usage of quotations and estimate of website visitors make it a pitch deck worth referring to.