What is Body Language?

Body language is the manner in which your body communicates through non-verbal means. A combination of gestures, posture, facial expressions, and other forms of non-verbal communication. People can precisely understand your expressions through your body language.

For instance, if you are talking with your colleagues and instantly conform to their ideas, the body language can indicate if you agree or disagree with them.

Body Language in Presentations


Why Body Language is Important in Presentation

Creating an effective presentation does not solely rely on the content or topic of the presentation nor does it involve choosing attractive presentation designs. There is much more to it. We need to pay as much as attention to the body language as much as the content of the presentation. Following up on the right body language can make a ton of difference to your presentation.

Every Presenter feels nervous before beginning his presentation. This is because the speaker is the focus on the entire presentation, of course, viewers pay attention to the content but they also shift their attention to the presenter. Hence the presenter needs to present himself well enough through the use of good body language.

Body Language In Presentations

Hence, we should ignore and overlook body language for an effective presentation. In the further sections let us understand the term “body language” and learn to follow the best tips and tricks for portraying the right body language in presentations.

Presentation thoroughly rehearsed and communicate with the right body language can help achieve more sales and even seal deals instantly. Body language helps you connect with your audience in a jiffy. Make sure not to avoid body language, lack of body language will keep your presentation monotonous and drive away prospective customers.

Tips for using Body Language in a Presentation

1. Groom appropriately to look your best.
Make it necessary to dress professionally and groom your hair well. Make sure you aren’t shabbily dressed and be modest with your dressing.

2. Facial Expressions
Make sure to use facial expressions appropriately as per the context of the presentation. For example, if you want to stress a particular point change your expression and emphasize on that point.

Try to avoid giving presentations with a blank face, doing so will only disrupt your entire presentation. There are simple expressions that you can make such as opening your eyes wider, raising your eyebrows, and smiling at times does make a difference. Rehearse your presentation with facial expressions to deliver it effectively during the presentation. Be careful and pay attention to the words that you are using during a presentation. Ensure that the facial expressions are in line with the words you are using. If this is done, the information can be conveyed seamlessly in your presentation. Tune your facial expressions as per the crowd.

3. Eye Contact
Be very specific with your eye contact. This is extremely important when it comes to presentations. Ensure you meet the following points while maintaining eye contact with the crowd.
Make sure you look at everyone in the crowd.
Ensure that you do no look at the same spot, but ensure that you look at everyone in the crowd at least once.
Don’t overdo it
Prolonged eye contact is not advisable as it can make people nervous. A glance would suffice as it would indicate that you checking their expressions to understand how your message is received.

4. Posture
We have discussed facial expressions and eye contact; it is time to discuss about posture. The way you hold yourself is important and it gives a message even before beginning a presentation. Keep in mind these points while maintaining your posture in a presentation.

Don’t hunch or bend: Keep in mind that you maintain an upright posture in your presentation, you would appear more confident in doing so. Presenting yourself in an awkward position will indicate that whatever you say is not important to you.

Be relaxed in your presentation: – It is important to be composed during the presentation. In case you’re nervous take a deep breath before you begin. Take breaks in between your presentation, as it would give time for your audience.

5. Gestures and Movement
The purpose of using gestures is to deliver your message in a clear and interesting manner. In short, gestures should indicate something. For example, if you are trying to differentiate something you can use hand gestures to do this. Use them effectively as per the context of your presentation. Also make sure to move adequately on the space provided this would ensure that you are addressing the entire audience, moving towards different directions, and interacting with people.

Final Thoughts

These points should help you decide how to use body language effectively in a presentation. Body language will undoubtedly help you communicate your idea clearly and effectively to your audience.