For certain people, presenting in front of large audience or colleagues in an office meeting could be a nightmare. Not only are many of us afraid to talk in public, some of us don’t even know what to speak. And in a presentation when anxiety and inexperience come together, it is all too easy to commit errors.

But fortunately, those most frequent accidents can be reduced. We will be discussing below the mistakes one must avoid in the presentation.

Let us have a look at some typical presentation mistakes one must avoid:


1.Reading from the presentation slides

Nothing is worse than to see a speaker standing up and reading (mostly) the slides projected onto a wall. Of course, they’re not really required if the speaker only reads the slides. This is the moment most people tend to roll their eyes and ask what they would do if they haven’t just come to this presentation. Remember, slides must be an accessory, but you are the main attraction. You are the presenter and an indispensable accessory. You know the content – don’t read it if you have the done same mistake before. Like the speaker says about the content “This is there. This is there.! There’s no spot.” Stop the tentation of speaking with the phone and reading bullet points robotically.

2. Do not talk too fast

This is so normal, so don’t be shocked to know you might speak at a pace of 100 mph and put your audience in the dust. Know that if the speaker talks too quickly, the best presentation is a train wreck. The more familiar you are with the material, the more tempted you are to slow down!

Next, cut the information into a 10-minute space to prevent you from attempting to suit a 30-minute presentation. A general rule of thumb is 1-2 minutes per diapositive, so you can be set to fail if you have 30 slides for a 30-minute presentation. Also, note that it will take longer to review heavy, dense slides, answer questions, or to interject stories. Please suggest splitting the material into two slides if you’re staying on a single slide for more than 4-5 minutes. Also, do not be hesitant to use a postcard to remind yourself that you are slowing down on your podium or mirror! You’re going to be pleased you did!

3. Practice as much as you can

The best speakers frequently look like gliding on stage and presenting their lives effortlessly, but the reality is that the best speakers practice, practice, and practice! You are also more likely to stumble around the content while attempting to “wing it,” to read slides by chance, or to be rattled with questions. Also, you are not as trusting when you have not to practice much, and that lack of faith is a big time!

4. Prepare agenda for the presentation

The agenda is like a book index and reflects the world map into which the reader dives. The agenda is the starting point.

The dividers are the access ports for every subject and the navigator is the locator which enables the reader to be sure that certain information is located in the section, slide by slide at all times. In this manner, if the reader is to save from section to section, the navigator would just have to figure out if he or she is moving forward or back inflow.

The combination of these three elements is perfect navigation for any reader who loves your content without having to take advantage of your directions.

5. Do not ignore the audience

Start your presentation by fulfilling the expectations of your audience. Let them know what you will first discuss, whether and when you are going to pause for a break, whether you will ask questions during the lecture, etc. Give the audience a good picture of what to expect from the “signposts” so that they can relax and focus on your presentation.

6. Do not be too verbose

Concise, brief presentations are often better than verbose presentations. Try to concentrate on a few important points. You risk losing your audience’s attention if you take too much time to hit the point.

7. Use of ineffective visuals

Bad slides can spoil a good show, so it’s worth taking your time.

Think of where the presentation will take place when picking colours. Whether, the light or white text in the dark rooms fits better, while the dark blue text background in a brightly coloured space can be seen more clearly.

8. Overcrowding the text

To keep the text short is the strongest rule of thumb. Don’t try to get your slides too much detail. Total 3 to 4 terms in each bullet and no more than 3 bullets in each slide.

9. Speaking incoherently

Although we spend a large part of the day talking to each other, speaking to an audience is an extremely difficult ability. Another common error is to freeze during the presentation in one place. Some presenters are at their best behind the podium. Try to mimic great speakers like Steve Jobs, who jumped around the stage purposely during his lectures.

10. Do not avoid eye contact

Meeting the eyes of an individual creates a personal relationship and people may even interact with a brief glance. Try to make eye contact at least once if the audience is small enough. If the public is too broad, try to look at the front of people.