Targeting the right way

A CTA or ‘call-to-action’ button is a button or link that invites a user to act. Without a CTA, the communication within a website or app is incomplete.

It is common for PPT presentations to contain a CTA within its slides. The goal for any presentation is to either sell, make aware or visit a destination.

The multiple CTAs is also seen within presentations. A good CTA can generate traffic, leads, business, profit, and revenue. It is an important element of any PowerPoint presentation.

Simply adding a CTA button or link without first understanding the audience and CTA relevancy is a waste. Through this post we will look at the meaning of CTA and strategies to successfully implement it.


CTA meaning

A ‘CTA’ needs to invite a response. In the field of online marketing, a CTA is usually a clickable button that leads the user to a designated destination.

The action could either be to send a message, redirect to a website or directly call a number. Inside a PPT presentation, a CTA is usually the link of a website, a number to follow-up to or the date and time for an event.

A CTA can spur the user to also download a PDF, purchase a product, or simply fill out a form. The text or message for the CTA differs based on the requirement. A CTA is a balance between a website bounce and a website conversion.

Some commonly used texts for CTA are:

  • Read more
  • Try it now
  • Add to cart
  • Buy now
  • Share now
  • Online chat

Writing an effective CTA script or text requires the PPT designer to be compelling, persuasive and creative. The major aspects of setting up a CTA are:

  • What will the CTA look like?
  • Where will the CTA be placed?
  • What will the CTA look like (button or text overlay)?

Two things need to happen with a PowerPoint slide CTA. One – the viewer needs to spot them. Two – the viewer must know what to do next.


CTA design

The CTA needs to be recognizable. The contents of the presentation must not let the CTA be lost among the content.

The CTA must be part of the slide itself. It needs to be distinctly designed to stay unique, yet be part of the narrative. Maybe a stark shadow or outline, with contrasting colours can define it better.

Negative spacing within the slide can be used as well. Negative spaces are the breathing room for creativity. This creativity can be directed towards the CTA instead.


CTA colour

To stand out, the CTA needs to be of a contrasting colour to the slide’s background colour.

Several posts have highlighted the change in CTA colour, and have seen a massive rise in engagement or leads.

The right colour depends on the audience, the overall colour scheme, the product and number of the slide.


CTA image

Along with the colour, the CTA typeface and image also needs to be appealing. A CTA image commonly used is that of a real human being looking at the viewer.

The image of a person makes the CTA more human. Typeface, colours and placement are added parameters that can make the CTA standout.


CTA copy

Images and videos enhance the appeal of a PowerPoint presentation. The slides, however, still need to contain enough copy to educate.

Asking for the viewer to act on a CTA is great, but it is the content that he/she will interact with in the first place.

When writing the text or copy for a CTA, avoid surprises, subtlety and secrets. Make the request crystal clear. Active verbs work best.

Hiring a professional PPT design agency to create engaging presentations will allow your message to garner the right result.