For years, most people created presentations without putting much thought into them. Therefore, they not only lacked imagination but also left audiences unengaged. However, things have changed in recent decades and presentation designers have been pushing the boundaries of presentation design. How have they done this? They’ve simply introduced design elements such as bright colors, tables, charts, animations and transitions, vivid imagery, and finally, the right font or fonts, also known as typography, to tie it all together. Typography is a vital part of presentation design, and understanding the basics of typography in presentations can help you create powerful and effective presentations. In this article, we will explore the importance of typography in presentations and how it can help enhance your presentation design.

A Basic Definition of Typography

Typography is an art form and technique that involves arranging typefaces or fonts in a way that makes written language legible, readable, and attractive. It is an important design element used to create a visual hierarchy for written communication and affect how content is perceived. An understanding of typography principles is essential for any PowerPoint presentation. Here are a few basic principles to keep in mind when creating a PowerPoint presentation with typography:


Typography is an important part of any design, and it should be easy to read and comprehend. Therefore it’s important to choose the typeface and size according to the medium and target audience. There should also be enough contrast between the text and background to ensure legibility. For example, if a website is aimed at a younger audience, the designer should stick to bolder fonts and larger font sizes to ensure that the content is legible and easy to understand. The same principle applies to print materials such as magazines and brochures – always choose the appropriate typography to ensure maximum readability.


Typography’s main goal is to establish a clear hierarchy through a combination of size, weight, color, and placement of elements on the page. The whole point of this practice is to guide the reader’s eye through the content and communicate its message effectively.

Size is the most obvious factor in terms of establishing a hierarchy. A typography designer generally uses larger type sizes to draw attention to the most important information. If the information is less important then they use smaller sizes. Weight is also key; they may use a bolder type to emphasize certain points, and will probably use lighter weights to de-emphasize other elements. Color is yet another element that the designer uses to differentiate different sections. For example, the designer can highlight a specific part of the content with a bright color, thus drawing the audience’s attention to it. Whereas, for other sections that aren’t as impactful, they may use a more muted color to de-emphasize these.

Finally, in order to draw the reader’s eyes in the right direction, the typography designer must carefully consider the placement of typography elements on the page. If all these elements are combined correctly, the designer is able to establish a clear hierarchy that will help guide the reader through the content.


When it comes to creating an organized and pleasing design, the typography designer must give importance to aligning text and elements in a consistent way. They must focus on the design goals and type of content being presented in order to choose the right type of alignment. Alignment examples include left, right, center, or justified. Left alignment is often used for text-heavy documents, while right alignment works well when the design needs emphasis. Center alignment can add balance to a design, while justified alignment gives the content a tidy, uniform appearance. No matter which alignment one uses, a consistent alignment can help create a cohesive design.


Any individual or organization that creates presentations, wants each one to stand out. Typography is an essential element of design that can add a great deal of interest and excitement to any presentation project. Contrast in typography is a great way to help bring attention to certain elements and make them stand out. A typography designer can do this through the use of color, size, weight, and style. By using different combinations of these factors, it is possible to create a visually appealing and impactful presentation design. The designer can also use contrast in typography to draw the eye to important information, helping to create a sense of hierarchy. and make a design more engaging and captivating.


It’s crucial to use typography consistently in any presentation project in order to create a visual identity and convey a sense of unity throughout a design. This means using the same typeface, size, color, and style throughout the content. Readers can quickly and easily recognize the content and understand the message when a presentation has a consistent typographical style. This also helps to create a sense of cohesion, as the design is unified and recognizable in every aspect. Ultimately, consistency in typography helps to establish a visual identity and create a sense of coherence and unity throughout a design.

Evoke Emotions and Convey Messages

Typography is a powerful tool that can be used to evoke a range of different emotions or convey different messages. Choosing the right kind of typography can have a great impact on the overall message of a project. The typography designer must carefully select the right font, size, color, and spacing, to evoke specific emotions or convey unique messages. For example, a bold typeface can evoke strength and authority, while a more subtle font might emphasize elegance and sophistication. Bold fonts may also portray a commanding tone, while light and airy fonts may suggest a lighter, more playful tone. Similarly, serif fonts tend to have a traditional or formal feel, while sans-serif fonts tend to be more modern. By carefully considering typography choices, designers can ensure that the intended message is effectively conveyed to viewers.

Typography’s Basic Principles Can Help You Design Impressive Presentations

Typography is an essential design element that can help give presentations a professional, crisp, and effective look. Paying attention to font choice, size, color, spacing, and layout can ensure that your audience not only sees and hears your message but understands it too.

Our Fully Decked Up presentation design team has used typography in many different ways to effectively communicate our clients’ messages to their employees and customers over the years. If you would like to know more about how we’ve done this, please have a look at our portfolio and get in touch with our project managers. We are here to answer whatever questions you have, as well as give you a quote, should you decide to work with us.