Managing successful slides

A management presentation is an in-person meeting between a prospective buyer and the management team.

A business owner appoints a representative from their management team to negotiate on behalf of the company. The management team, making use of the management PPT, pitches the merits of the company.

The buyer, after viewing the management PPT presentation, puts forth their questions. The business owner uses this meeting to build a rapport with the buyer. The presentation could last between a few hours to a full day.

A management PPT allows the business owner to understand what the buyer is looking for, and how to address their questions. Buyer’s vision with the company, the business owner’s selling price expectations, and buyer’s purchasing capability can be gauged.

Let’s look at what are the key essentials that accompany a management PPT.

Build credibility

Management is all about building the right credibility for your business. The audience will listen to you only if you are credible with your points.

It’s not about the length of the company intro or the visual appeal of the PPT introduction (thank the PPT design agency for that).

Any information that you convey through the management PPT must be built on credibility.

Head towards a goal

Mention a clear purpose or goal in the management presentation. That same goal can be an anchor line to your business story.

The audience will relate to a story. If that story is linked to a goal, then all the better. The goal can be looking for funds, seeking the management’s approval or simply explaining a management process.

Support with material

An effective way to build credibility is through supporting material. Simply stating pointers directly from the management PPT isn’t enough.

You can add quotes, relevant statistics or accompany the presentation with a video. Whatever you do, ensure the audience views it and relates it to your content.

Add quotes from members of the Board. Insert images of conferences, events, and team-building sessions that the company took part in.

Enhance slide quality

A huge benefit of hiring a professional presentation design agency is the effort they put into making your PPT stand out.

With the use of visual elements such as custom fonts, transitions, and animations, PPT designers elevate the slide quality.

Images are retained better. They also add as slide breaks. When presenting management related graphs or bullet points, a background image can retain the audience’s attention.

Answer questions

Management PPTs convey plenty of information. Devote some time during your presentation to answer questions from the audience.

Answering questions could lead to a healthy and welcome discussion. However, make sure that the discussion is held when the presentation is complete.

Summing up the audience beforehand also helps. If you know what type of questions to expect from the audience, you could answer those questions in the presentation itself.

The buyer will ask questions related mostly to price quotes and delivery deadlines. A good idea would be to invite personnel from the concerned departments to the presentation.


Ensure your management PPT closes with a call-to-action. Construct a call-to-action that is easily understandable by the audience.

This call-to-action could be the signing of an agreement, general rules of the contract or simply a link to the company’s annual report.